Fabrication of Advanced composite Lattice Components using stitching Technology for Aerospace and Industrial Application

Denominazione del raggruppamento:
ALAInA group

Denominazione e ragione sociale del capofila:
Moda Filati srl

Denominazione e ragione sociale dei componenti del Raggruppamento:

  • MODA FILATI srl (Azienda capofila)
  • SATOR srl (Azienda start up)
  • S.C.S. sr. (Azienda)
  • P.V.S. srl (Azienda)
  • IMAST scarl (Azienda – Distretto Tecnologico sull’ingegneria dei materiali polimerici e compositi)
  • POLITECNICO DI BARI – Dip. di Meccanica, Matematica e Management (Organismo di Ricerca)

Tipologia dell’intervento
Ricerca Industriale 62%
Sviluppo sperimentale 38%

Description of the final objective
The project deals with the development and use of composite materials sewn in polar coordinates for structural components both in the automotive and aerospace sectors.
The materials studied will be treated in such a way as to have high mechanical characteristics, superior to those of traditional composites. The mechanical and structural performances will be demonstrated through an experimental study, also designed to optimise some of the process parameters.
The obtained materials will be used in the realization of two prototypes for automotive and aerospace applications; they will be studied from a numerical and experimental point of view to demonstrate their performance advantages.
The application of these innovative materials in the automotive field will have immediate commercial effects, as it will allow the partner involved to increase its competitiveness in a sector in which traditional composites are not easy to use due to the high cost / benefit ratio. The studied technology, in fact, is particularly suitable for the production of large volumes at low costs.
The application in aerospace on a component that would present many issues if made of traditional composites will provide an interesting alternative option and the opportunity to further industrial exploit the results achieved.