Titolo:  Glucose sensing electrode system based on polymeric microneedles
Autori:    P. Dardano, A. Caliò, V.Di Palma, M.F: Bevilacqua, Andrea Di Matteo, L.De Stefano
Rivista:     IEEE Sensor Application
Anno di Pubblicazione:   2016
Abstract: “Microneedles are largely applied in biomedicine, both in diagnostics and therapeutics, since they can be considered the perfect interface between patient and sensing/dispensing devices. In this paper, we present an electro-chemical biosensor based on polymeric microneedles array for the measure of glucose level in interstitial fluids. The microneedles array has been fabricated by photolithography of a polymer, PolyEthylene Glycol DiAcrylate hydrogel, mixed with an enzyme, Glucose oxidase, and a redox mediator, the Vynilferrocene. The microneedles array acts as a working electrode when gold plated by sputtering and their tips have been etched to create a sensitive area. The redox reaction with glucose creates a charge transfer,enhanced by the redox mediator, resulting in a current proportional to the glucose concentration."